Today's employers seek people with experience in diversified fields and skills in many areas. More than 85% of the graduates now do not work in the field that they chose in university. Some blame it on mismatch of industry and university, but most employers agree that current graduates are not skilled in their respected fields.
It is ridiculous why employers hire someone who has not study anything in university in the particular field while blaming current graduates who spent more than 3 years in university yet still passed as unskilled enough. A President of an IT company said, "Technical skills are what you learn in school, street smart skills are what bosses look for."
Generally, everyone needs skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, resourcefulness and management. Technically, if you are in IT then your knowledge and technical skills in IT is utmost important.
While many graduates find themselves unemployed, they are forced to learn more skills and diversify into new areas. One fresh graduate said, "I was not very well prepared when entering university so I just choose a field I thought I was interested in. Along the way, I was merely forced to finish the course which I did not like. Upon graduate, I find that I like other areas better so I sharpen my skills in areas align with my passion."
Employers and even parents are in the opinion that the first year in college and university should teach children how to choose their respective fields and know their passions so that they do not waste their time and money spent for a few years of study only to find out that is not their passion.
However, some basic skills such as how to communicate better, learning to work with a team and handle difficult people, managing time and datelines, basic operational skills like handling fax or photocopy machine as well as using office software - these are all essentials and assumed by employers as basic general skills.
While much emphasis has been given to diversify your skills, many still believe that one should have at least one specialized skills. Napoleon Hill in his best-selling book THINK AND GROW RICH said that organized planning and specialized knowledge is a must for success. Therefore, be good and sharpen ONE of your many skills from good to great.
Focus and learn everything you can on that particular skill. Attend seminars, group with people, and research on that skill, have a coach or mentor to help you and read a lot books on that matter. Once you are great at that skill, move on to the next and focus. This way you will be great in multiple skills instead of merely touching the surface of a hundred skills.
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